
Environment for Growth (E4G)

Welcome to the support site for the monitoring and evaluation of the 6 strategic E4G projects in Wales, funded under the EU Convergence theme of Environment Growth.


DunesIn the 2006-13 round of European Convergence Funding, a large number of projects related to the visitor economy are being funded under the ‘Environment for Growth’ (E4G) umbrella. E4G comprises six strategic projects, managed by the Welsh Government, Visit Wales, CADW and Countryside Council for Wales.

Projects under E4G will be subject to common monitoring and evaluation (M&E) procedures. This will result in substantial cost savings and a far better understanding of the economic, social and environmental benefits of individual projects; the six strategic projects; and E4G as a whole.

Our Approach

As part of this M&E approach Cardiff University (Welsh Economy Research Unit- WERU) have been asked to provide a central management service. The team will provide:

Mountain Railway

  • A set of monitoring forms to be completed by projects to fulfil  WEFO and Assembly requirements;
  • A comprehensive M&E guidance pack;
  • Off-site workshop days for project managers and other stakeholders (Spring and Autumn 2010 and Spring 2011) – see “News” page for details;
  • A central website offering advice and useful materials;
  • Centralised data analysis and reporting, including summary reports for individual sites.